Call Me Al Podcast - Season 2, Episode 4 - David Isitt

Al interviews David Isitt. David Isitt is the Founder of Better Connected in Queensland, Australia.

David has witnessed too many families feeling isolated, tired and often overwhelmed while the complex needs within their family remain unmet. The traditional support system, can at times, lack the understanding and resources to support people with complex needs. This leaves families in dire situations with little control or support, not only from professional support services but often also from family and friends. Being in this disconnected situation damages wellbeing and negatively impacts the ability to move forward in positive steps towards a good life.

Better Connected was established to counteract these situations, to walk beside you, to listen and provide support and guidance.

For more interviews subscribe to the Call Me Podcast on itunes:

Season 2 of the Call Me Podcast is brought to you by CONNECT Communities. CONNECT’s mission is to Make Lives Better. We achieve this by providing complex and specialized services for people living with brain injury and stroke in a nurturing and innovative community environment. Through our Life Redesign Model™, we empower people by applying our knowledge and experience to coach, challenge and motivate each person to reach their unique personal goals and build a fulfilling life for themselves. CONNECT is one of few organizations accredited through Accreditation Canada using the Acquired Brain Injury standards. For more information visit their website:
